my laptop is an acer 4820tg that i got in jan 2011, it runs on an intel core i7 620m, ATI Mobility raedeon HD 5650, 4g ram, i connect my laptop to an external 21" monitor
as my title suggests, im unsure of why i get low fps when i play, making it laggy during engagements.
I had this exact same question last night actually.
Mine is Asus K53U SX007V.
4GB Ram
Radeon HD6310M
AMD Brazos Dual Core @ 1.6GHz
I realize these specs are pretty average (especially the processor, I'm assuming that's the problem), but multiplayer is actually unplayable during engagements (dropping down to 10 fps). This is on lowest settings and resolution possible.
I get my desktop back on Sunday though, so I'm not really fussed, I just thought this would be able to play SC2, that's all.
Sorry for competely hijacking, and that I can't help. Maybe our problems are related. I'd think the game should run
Check whether GPU or CPU is overheating (there are utilities to do this) and if not check the CPU/RAM usage of processes on your computer. You might have a virus or your laptop just might not be as good as you thought it was.
Windowed mode also makes a difference (ie. lowers fps).
Plug it into it's power, My laptop only runs full speed when its plugged in for some reason. im sure you can change it.
Its a battery efficiency method. Everything Is turned down in order to make the battery last longer. Once plugged in, everything operates at full potential.
cool, ive been having good framerates of around 100 plus since i started using " High Performance" instead of " Power saving" in Switchable Graphics. the solotuion to plug in to play works.
But my laptop is now more susceptible to over-heating, once every few games it will just shut itself down automatically.
well i have had a similar problem with my laptop, i was able to stream and play sc2 at around 40fps on the lowest graphics settings @ 1080p in a windowed mode, but now it drops to 3-4 frames in big fights, i have checked all my battery saving options and video card performance options and the all seem to be in order. there is no dust clogging my computer either :/ (i also have a cooling mat underneath it)
my setup is:
asus n61j
I7 720QM
ATI mobility Radeon HD 5730 1gb
4gb system ram DDR3.
"Some systems may reach high temperatures and overheating conditions while running StarCraft II. This is mainly due to the video card rendering the screens at full speed. As a workaround, there are two lines that you can add to your Documents\StarCraft II Beta\variables.txt file to limit this behavior.
The frameratecapglue controls the framerate at the menu screens. The frameratecap controls the framerate on all other screens. You may adjust these numbers to your liking."
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