SEAbet was custom coded for by our very own community member - the amazing veteris. Veteris is a medical student living in Canberra who is a "coding hobbyist" who also helped create our Stream and Quick Find Player list widgets. One of the most remarkable things is his coding is far more refined and skilled then any of the paid "professional coders" I have hired. Yet he does the work super efficiently and never once asked for anything in return! An incredible person with a remarkable skillset who will surely go far in whatever he pursues. The SC2SEA community thanks you Veteris!
More info will be added here later as well as a bigger FAQ section.
Q: Does SEA Betting cost money?
A: Nope its totally free. Its just for fun more than anything to make games in the SEA community more exciting to watch, and will never involve the use of real money any time in the future.
Even the smallest donations help keep sc2sea running! All donations go towards helping our site run including our monthly server hosting fees and sc2sea sponsored community tournaments we host. Find out more here.