For the majority of players, coaching is a fantastic way of speeding up your learning. It helps tremendously to have another set of eyes from a more enlightened perspective offer insight and spot trouble areas that are keeping you from advancing as a player. Those who are interested in standalone coaching or multiple hour packages with our official coaches should contact the coaches directly by sending private messages(PM) to them in their respective PM links below. However, we only recommend standalone coaching for players who are in the Masters League or Grandmaster League and above. .
For players in diamond league and below interested in improving, we instead highly recommend purchasing this Starcraft 2 Guide through the Grandmaster Manual bundle. Not only will it be significantly cheaper, but it is geared towards identifying and correcting the common mistakes of lower league players, allowing you to fix trouble spots quickly and easily on your own. Furthermore with the bundled coaching package, you are entitled to one hour of free coaching from an official coach of your choice at a heavily discounted rate up to 75% off the coaches regular hourly prices!! You will be able to check the grandmaster manual bundle rates over here.
Coaches who are interested in being part of our official coaching team associated with our Starcraft 2 Guide can PM me here. Please note that at the very minimum you will have to be at least a "top 30 in SEA" grandmaster player, be relatively well known, carry yourself in a professional manner and have previous coaching experience to be even considered. We are proud to say all our official coaches that offer lessons with our Starcraft 2 guide have met these requirements.
Cure started off playing Protoss, then started learning the other races to help his students improve. The ex-founder of rLs Gaming, now a part of aLt as a player / manager. Cure has been coaching since 2011, has a ton of coaching experience and has proven to help his students tremendously with his abilities as a coach, some even making it to major events against top players in the global scale. Below, you will find a few testimonials from a few of his students (Bronze to High GM) that might give you an insight of how each lesson will be like, as well as provide credibility to his abilities as a coach.
Before the start of each session. I will have a quick chat with the student and find out how the student intends to improve. This is a very important factor, it will determine how I coach.
There are students that look for a "quick fix", to just beat a friend or get high on the ladder, and there are students that want to improve generally.
For the students looking for a 'surefire' way to get high on the ladder, I will cover the most common all-ins and all the variants of it. Be it build orders or how to exploit positional advantages on maps, it will all be covered.
For all players seeking improvement, the following standard points will be covered, and more upon request.
- Replay Analysis
- Decision Making
- Improvising your playstyle
- Effective scouting
- Improvement of Mechanics
- Improvement of Micro
- Reacting to scouted information
- Base Structure (SimCity)
- Build orders
- Exploiting map structures
- Effective positioning
- Efficient control group and camera hotkey usage
- Structuring a long-term build if the game goes late
- Having the proper mindset for improvement
- Practicing more efficiently
For Masters-GM level players seeking improvement, I will have to spend more time analysing your playstyle, decision making, etc. Which will require a number of replays from you. The time i spend analysing your playstyle will NOT be a part of the session. The clock will only run after I finish watching the replays alone to ensure the most efficiency during the session. During the session, I will cover your mistakes made and how to improve YOUR playstyle. Whether you are an aggressive or macro-based player, I will coach you towards your personal style.
For the higher level players, I will find out your needs. If it is an opponent you need to snipe in a tournament, I will help you to forge builds needed to snipe that certain enemy. Before the session starts, I will take the time to study his playstyle and find the points that we can exploit.
For players of all levels, I will ensure that your time spent practicing will be more efficient than before. Of course, how I coach will be proportionate to what your needs are. There is no 'standard' way to coach someone. To coach you, I will have to learn your style, then improve it for you. If you have the potential, I will definitely make you shine.
Also, I do keep records of every student after every session, so we can continue from where we left off in the next session and note your progression.
Malcolm 'aLtEscapisT' Baey - Low Masters to IESF, TGX, WCG Top 3.
For the uninitiated, Cure has been a founding member and pillar of the Starcraft community, acting as moderator of Sc2sea and manager of clan aLternative from way back during Sc2sea's infancy.
The ability of a coach should be measured by understanding of the game, boiling down to minute details as Starcraft2 is deep and expansive game, even more so with HotS. Cure has always had a propensity to using the understanding he has and explaining it in a succinct manner, however, more importantly is the way he does it. One can have all the knowledge in the Starcraft universe, but if bad at imparting this knowledge it still makes one useless as a coach. Cure has a certain kind of zesty charm that will warm you up to him instantly, coupled with his ability to pass his knowledge on, you definitely won't just be getting advice from a random stranger over the internet.
Opting to racepick even in tournaments, his understanding and mastery over the three races has guided me with my achievements when he was my coach, most my notably top3 placings in TGX, WCG and IESF, and more importantly helping me shine on the World Championship stage in Korea where I got to battle(and hang out) among names like Grubby, Sjow and Go0dy, making it past group stages into the ro8 before I lost to the eventual champion Sjow who took out Grubby 3-0 in the finals. All these events happened in 2011 before I was picked up by aLt.
Don't you dare have the audacity to doubt his passion , even for a second, unless you are dedicated enough to have your in-game handle branded across your very own flesh for eternity.
/Hugh '[aLt]Manly' Ng - High Diamond to Podium finishes in tournaments.
I first approached Cure as a person that knew nothing about the competitive scene. I had aspirations and dreams to be better, but never knew how. After my coaching sessions with Cure, I now have an arsenal of builds at my disposal. My forcefields improved a ton, I have better macro and micro mechanics, and my knowledge of timings are much better. I have never met a coach with the amount of knowledge across 3 races. He has helped me attain top 10 GM with not only one race, but two. He is very patient while coaching, and always looks as me as a friend before a student. PvZ used to be my worst matchup, but is now at a 65% winrate in High Masters on the Korean server. He took the time to analyse my playstyle, work on it, and help form builds that revolve around my playstyle.
Before I started taking lessons, I spent over 10 hours daily practicing, and taking forever to improve. Now I practice much less and improve much more in the time spent training. Efficient training strategies is a very valuable asset to have, you get more done in a shorter time. Also, in my recent tournament at NUS Cyber Gaming Festival, I came in 4th taking down Revenant 2-0 with builds that Cure has helped me create. During my run in the Alienware arena, Cure even actually called me in-between sets to guide me while he's at work aiding me in my 2nd place finish. Even if you're currently GM, I recommend taking a session with Cure as he's not going to just simply teach you how to play, he will take your entire playstyle and refine it for you, and give you new styles to fuse with your current one.
Kevin ‘[ecKo]Kreamy'Luangkoth – Low Diamond to High GM
In our coaching sessions, Cure not only helped me on my gameplay mechanics but also with my mentality, which has been a big issue for me personally. His mastery with all races makes him a perfect practice partner in all matchups. He proved extremely helpful from forging builds to snipe certain opponents, to refining my level of improvement in personal practice sessions. Without Cure’s guidance, I wouldn't be picked up by a strong team like eCKo E-sports, and wouldn't be the player that I am today.
Jason '[TN]Free' Lo - Low GM to High GM
I took lessons from Cure because of the positive feedback he's getting. He's very patient while coaching and he points out every single mistake and what you can do to correct it to refine your playstyle. He uses all 3 races against me during our sessions. Recently, I came in 7th/8th place in the NUS CGF thanks to Cure. Cure's coaching will help you improve alot in a short time. I really would recommend taking lessons from Cure. He's not just gonna teach you builds, but he's gonna take your whole gameplay to a whole new level!
Edmond '[ToR]Redemption' Lam - Low Platinum to High Masters
Cure has amazing knowledge of the game and has helped me refine and build me as a player, he is one of those people that will turn your worst match up into your best match up, because each word he says when he’s helping you at all is profit for a learning StarCraft player. The amount of knowledge he has about StarCraft is uncanny.
Cure is diligent when it comes to StarCraft; Cure would completely crush me in practice sessions and then go over each game and point out not only the major flaws but the subtle ones and its little details like that which helped every bit. Cure looked at my play style and told me what I should do to make it work and he also offered an alternative(no pun intended) which fits the situation, he gets you to think when he analyses replays with you and asks you different questions about different choices in the game that makes you realise the different things you can and even should be doing. Cure's gave me confidence in my weakest match up and helped me build on my other match ups.
Cure would make an excellent coach from not only receiving his help but witnessing his help on other people and how fast and how much they improve.
Andrew'[AxS]Nimble'Byrns - Low Bronze to High Gold.
I decided to improve my play of Starcraft 2 after not playing the game much during HOTS, and was pointed into the direction of Cure by an old friend. Some who I have followed very closely due to his ability to play any race at a very good level. I felt, even before attending the lesson, that I had made the right decision. That feeling was fully justified after completing the 1hr skype call and games played. I have seen a number of lessons streamed online and training packages in the last few months and none have compared to the depth and quality of the information provided by Cure.
Through the lesson we covered every bit of the information that I needed to know, every question answered and given with a detailed explanation, this made my confidence skyrocket. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so “accomplished” upon leaving a lesson before. Cure was a phenomenal teacher and I think at one point I even asked him if I could borrow his brain to play for me. His teaching style was engaging and superbly informative as the entire lesson i was able to integrate the materials learnt into not only 1 match up but all match ups, even though I have limited knowledge of the game.
I would definitely recommend this coach to both novice and experienced players looking to get ahead in their Sc2 gaming, with no regrets.
Jeremy '[ToR]Rawfish' Yu - Low Diamond to Grandmaster
I had a strong desire to take lessons from Cure when I heard that he takes a phenomenal approach in coaching people that have a desire to improve but not necessarily the tools and fundamentals to go about doing so. Thus I contacted Cure for coaching lessons and within a short period of time he helped me hone both my fundamental and improvisational play. Through replay analysis and guided training sessions, he quickly gave me a broader understanding of my weaknesses and the relative dynamics of my weakest matchups. Whether it be scout timings, mechanics, composition or even playing against the meta, Cure surely knows this game inside out. This resulted in me transitioning from high platinum to mid master on the Korean server within 2 weeks . You won't find a better coach with such a masterful knowledge across all 3 races.
Joel 'Ricochet' Wong - Masters to High GM
I remember being coached by Cure, and we would grind games hardcore. I had told him ‘I’m not going to sleep until I take a game off you.’ Well, he obliged and we grinded about 9-10 games before I finally managed to beat him TvP at approximately 3 am. Besides an amazing understanding and knowledge of the game, Cure also has a ridiculous repertoire of builds (ton of all-ins too) that he’s able to utilise. With a variety of styles influenced by pros, I’ve seen Cure use builds from full-out aggression, to slow methodical greedy play, to even completely unorthodox whacky builds. Cure is able to hound you for many flaws you may not see in your play, and able to refine you into a better skilled player. He’s not the most well known coach, but he helped me bring my game to the next level, especially helping me to work out how to beat Protoss which was my weakest matchup TvP. You can’t go wrong by taking Cure as your coach. And with him playing random, he knows both how to play your race, and how to beat your race with another race, giving him an unprecedented advantage in knowledge that few coaches can provide.
PiG first started out honing his skills on NA and made a name for himself after taking #3 in a NA ESL Go4Sc2 Monthly Invitational. He soon followed that up with strong LAN performances including winning the City Hunter Charity Tournament in Sydney. Since becoming a full time SC2 player and coach mid-2011, he has been sponsored by Tt, and more recently, Team Exile 5.
He has since qualified for and attended several overseas tournaments: IEM Guangzhou 2011, IEM Cologne 2012, IEM Singapore 2012 and IESF 2012. Winning WCS Australia, after defeating Nv.mOOnGLaDe in the Grand Final, is his crowning achievement to date!
Server Access: SEA, NA, EU and KR
Hourly fee: $35/hour AUD
1st WCS Australia National Finals - August 2012 -$4000 1st City Hunter's SCII ROCCAT Cup August 2012 - $230 +$300 product 1st Respawn LAN April 2012 (Zerg) -$200 1st City Hunter's Starcraft II Kingston Comp #3 January 2012 (Zerg) -$250 1st City Hunter's Starcraft II ASUS ROG & Kingston's Star Invite League June 2012 (Zerg) -$600 prizes and hardware 1st City Hunter Charity Tournament March 2011 (Zerg) -$250 worth prizes 1st AusCraft2 Down Under Derby #3 September 2011(Zerg) -$100 1st Brisbane WCG Qualifier September 2011 (Zerg) 1st ACL PRO Melbourne Nationals July 2012 (Zerg) -$1000 1st IeSF Australian Champion - Flight + Accomodation to Korea 1st in ESL Go4SC2 IEM GZ SC2 Qualifier #3 September 2011 (Zerg) 1st ESL Go4SC2 IEM GZ SC2 Finals Qualfier tournament September 2011 (Zerg) 1st’s Community Open #51 March 2011 (Zerg) -$25 1st’s Community Open #54 April 2011 (Zerg) -$25 1st SEACL (clan aLt ace) Season 2 March 2012 (Zerg) -$100 1st Winter Night's Weekly #11 (Zerg) -$40 1st nRv Invitational (Zerg) - $150 1st in's Master's Cup #19 July 2012 (Zerg) -$75 1st in GGA Cup Qualifier #2 August 2012 -$50 2nd PokerStrategy Eve Cup #1 May 2012 (Zerg) -$100 2nd City Hunter's Starcraft II Kingston and ROG Comp February 2012 (Zerg) -$125 2nd in ESL Go4SC2 Cup#31 September 2011 (Zerg) 2nd in’s Community Open #12 February 2011 (Zerg) 2nd in's Community Open #17 May 2011 (Zerg) 2nd in's Community Open #22 June 2011 (Zerg) 2nd in's Community Open #52 January 2012 (Zerg) 2nd in Z33k Random Race Tournament #3 March 2011 (Random) -$5 2nd in Empirisoft Aus-1 1v1 Open January-May (Zerg) -$5 2nd in SEA Starleague Code A Qualifier 2nd Australian Proleague December 2011 (Zerg) - $300 2nd ACL Sydney regional and WCS Australia qualifier June 2012 (Zerg) - $100 2nd Community Open #48 December 2011 (Zerg) 2nd in's Master's Cup #18 June 2012 (Zerg) -$50 2nd in Fusion Slugs Cup February 2013 -$60 3rd SEASL Season 2 May 2012 (Zerg) -$100 May 2012 (Zerg) 3rd ACL PRO Gold Coast Nationals January 2012 (Zerg) -$250 3rd ACL PRO Sydney Nationals April 2012 (Zerg) -$250 3rd IEM Kiev SEA Qualifier December 2011 (Zerg) 3rd Cityhunter Kingston Comp #2 November 2011 (Zerg) -$50 3rd Australian WCG National Finals October 2011 (Zerg) 3rd wT Major #2 -$15 3rd-4th in's iMaster of SEA #2 March 2011 (Zerg) 3rd in's Master's Cup #9 October 2011 (Zerg) -$20 3rd in's Master's Cup #13 February 2012 (Zerg) -$52 4th in's Master's Cup #15 April 2012 (Zerg) -$30 3rd-4th in Z33k Random Race Tournament #2 March 2011 (Random) 3rd-4th in North American Solo League Tournament #7 January 2011 (Zerg) 3rd-4th in Comon Gaming Cafe Tournament #2 April 2011 (Protoss) 3rd-4th in 3 ESL (NA) Go4sc2 Weekly Cups (6/2/2011, 9/2/2011, 21/2/2011) (Zerg) 3rd-4th in ESL(NA) February Monthly Invitational Finals March 2011 (Zerg) 5th WCS Oceania Continental Finals August 2012 - $600 Achieved two all-kills in KOF (Team-league) #3 May 13th 2011 9th-16th Iron Squid Korean Qualifier October 2012 20th-24th IEM Guangzhou October 2011 (Zerg) -$600 20th-24th IEM Cologne October 2012 - $950 13th-16th IEM Singapore November 2012 -$700 20th-24th IeSF World Championship Cheonan, South Korea October 2012 competed in GSL Code A qualifiers November 2012 Lived and trained with the PRIME team in Seoul for 6 weeks, October-November 2012
Before the lesson even starts, I get replays from my students and watch them. I also have a quick chat asking the problems my students think they're having and what they want to improve on. From this I gauge their skill level, where and what to focus on. I will check that my student is performing their basic mechanics and openers correctly.
Coaching outline over 1 hour (for a student who wants general improvement): I start from the basic level ensuring all my students really UNDERSTAND how to build their economy in a safe and efficient way and how to control their units and structures effectively. We start around perfecting safe openers for each matchup, including how to react to your opponent and exactly how to deal with all the popular forms of aggression. We will practice against a friend or myself and make sure that there is an understanding of how to defend just about anything whilst building economy.
For higher level players or players whose problems are much more focused around decision making, positioning and micro, I give much more specialised lessons. These are also based on what you have problems with and what I see in replays you provide.
Some students feel they can learn macro on their own and would rather focus on aggressive tactics and want to learn some new cheese and timing attacks. For this I have a variety of techniques and cheese builds which we will run through against friends of the students or myself until you are capable of inducing nerd-rage all across ladder.
Jack 'Audacity' McClatchey – Platinum to Diamond
"Jared 'altPig' is the most amazing starcraft player and manly man you will ever meet. After a mere 3.6 seconds of tutoring I was #2 grandmasters (second only to the man himself) while Idra, Sen and Nestea pestered me for builds and practise. Shortly after my lesson's conclusion, I looked down to discover I had grown a full beard. The only thing I would criticize was the breaks in which aLtPig would plug in a new keyboard, having set fire to the previous one with his furious apm."
Lolz aside, he wrote a serious one as well:
"Jared “aLtPiG” is a great teacher, far better than I expected. He is very easy to work with and provides great overall help on any part of play that you might have trouble on. Information that helps in the long run such as the analysis of replays is also covered. If you are thinking about having lessons with aLtPiG I would greatly recommend it, I believe he was the main factor in my promotion to the diamond league."
Josh 'Volition' Davenport – Gold to Platinum
"I joined PiG as a lowly gold zerg, having played terran previously. Before we started, PiG took the time to ask the way I wanted to play, what I believed were my strengths and weaknesses and the parts of the game with which I personally struggle. With this information, in conjunction with my replays, PiG was able to teach me builds that fit with my mid and late game styles. However, the lesson did not just involve the memorisation of builds - it also involved information, lots and lots of information. PiG isn't one of these coaches that will try to change your playstyle so that it is exactly like the way he plays - and the training is better for it as the solutions/builds he presents are possible for you to execute. The lessons are structured with lots of notes, mostly typed by PiG. Make sure you save them to your pc - I still refer to mine when I am struggling with a matchup.
One of the things i have noticed during my time being taught by PiG is that he is very specific, whether that be in instructions, timings or playstyle. Everything he does and teaches seems to be done for a reason, and those reasons are explained thoroughly. I come away from each lesson feeling like I have gained a greater understanding of the zerg race, and with a greater knowledge of the game in general. With greater knowledge and understanding, the game becomes more and more interesting as you start to see things you would have previously overlooked.
While there is no guarantee lessons with PiG will get you promoted or rank 1 in your division. I have, however, been promoted since starting my lessons (to a lowly plat player). However, becomming a better player is only part of the benefit of obtaining coaching from PiG - I find I want to play more and understand why I am winning or losing. Add to this that he is always online to answer questions, it is extremely good value for the hourly fee.
I have no problems in recommending coaching from PiG, and I have lined up more lessons in the future. If you have any questions and are too shy to approach the man himself (dont be, he is nice), do not hesitate to shoot me your questions."
Frank 'Sangyerians' Li - GM to winning a laptop!
"When you get training from PiG, you definitely get value for money. PiG played practice games with a friend of mine before a big LAN tournament and helped him win first place (Kayz winner of Cityhunter Anniversary Festival Silver division, won a laptop!). If that’s not a direct correlation between PiG’s coaching and success, I don’t know what is.
Not only is PiG a great coach, strategist and general SC2 connoisseur, but the reason I chose him above others is because he is an all round good person. What sets PiG apart other coaches is that not only is he a fantastic player, but I realised that he is a great guy from the posts and contributions he makes to UNSW/USYD StarSoc (shameless plug) amongst other mutual forums we frequented.
I had the pleasure of meeting with PiG in person and chatting with him and you could not meet a nicer person if you tried. No really, don’t even bother. His mentality and focus on helping the student become better and to, above all, have fun embodies his love for the game and ability to convey his vast knowledge of the game to any level of player. Patient with those who need it and efficient with those who prefer it, you can try and find a zerg coach who not only has value for money (not that that’s important, PiG is worth every penny) and is friendly, approachable, knowledgeable, skilled and above all, humble in his teachings, as PiG is. A+++ would buy again."
Nicholas 'TTneKo' Fane - Low Diamond to Grandmasters
I came to sc2sea looking for coaching about late september (I hit GM 1/11/11) I remember looking through all the Zerg coaches, seeing all the prices and thinking, well I'll guess I see how a cheap one goes. So I saw PiG for 20$ and I pmed him straight away about it, and to be quite frank, I didn't really expect much from him
I was completely wrong. Our first lesson really wasn't about a "stupid build I lost to" or just some yeah make a bunch of drones and units. PiG and I got into a game, and went over everything I wasn't expecting to be taught. Not only did he go through the mechanics of Zerg and how to play "efficiently" He pointed out a few major flaws I didn't realise myself, and quickly fixed them with extremely simple tips, and not only that, I payed for 1 hour of coaching and got 1hour 45 minutes in my first lesson. With only 2 lessons I went from being a low diamond that just does whatever every game, to a player going 15-2 on the ladder daily against people who were way above my level.
To put it one way, PiG not only taught me builds, he really taught me about Starcraft. Timings, mechanics, tips, how to read an opponent and everything you can think of, I learned from him.
I have and always will recommend PiG to any aspiring Zerg player as he is not only an incredible player, but he is an amazing human being. he's never hesitant to help me over Skype with any problems and what I find truly amazing, is he treats me and everybody with respect, even when I was a shitty low diamond player he never talked down to me or treated me as anything other than a friend.
I'd personally like to thank Jared for everything he has done for me in Starcraft, I know I would have never been at the level I am playing at, or even what level I'm about to step up and play at if it weren't for him I wish him all the best in his future of Starcraft and hopefully one day, I'll be able to play against him in a tournament
If you want the best, there is no other way to put it. Jared "Ttpig" Krensel IS the best
Although probably the youngest coach, Revenant is no stranger to the RTS scene. Formerly a two time Warcraft 3 national WCG champion, he started the game late but still managed to dominate the Singapore Warcraft 3 scene. His work ethic is regarded as one of the best and success soon followed in Starcraft 2 where he managed to take down competition after competition. Regarded as one of Singapore best players, Revenant is the player with the most local titles under his belt and is looking to add more trophies to his cabinet.
Revenant is currently studying in Poly and he enjoys outings and hanging out with his friends.
Server: SEA (also plays on KR and NA)
Hourly fee: $25 / hour
Package fee: $90 / 4 hours (can be used separately)
Skype: sk.rev
Generally, it will be catered to each player's individual needs and forms of improvements. However, these are the general points of focus:
Replay analysis
Zerg as a decision making/reactionary race
Long term planning/playstyle
Reading build orders of opponents
Reacting to build orders once scouted
Positioning of structures correctly(different for different matchups)/Base Builds
Common build orders
Unit composition counters
Build order counters
Scouting(When to do it. map control important, etc)
Efficient Larvae usage
Thought process at each point of time(aka Things to look out for, reading what opponent is doing/thinking)*
P.S.:It would be optimal for you to have a few friends/opponents that you can pull along that you absolutely can't beat, as I'll guide you to be able to eventually be on par with your friend/opponent.
I was considered as a very low level zerg player when I started off competitively in SC2. So after much recommendation, I seeked inF for help to improve my game to the next level. Before we even talked about scheduling our 1st lesson, Revenant was very professional to ask me several qns to carefully rate my skill level, weakness and strengths so that we could start working on the precise and most crucial problems I had with my games.
On my very first lesson itself, I was very surprised on how when we went through my first replay on ZvP, that he really tackled on not only the problems that I asked to be tackled but also the spotted so many minor yet significant mistakes that in a long run on my ladder games really changed the way how I played zerg.
Initially before coaching I out of every 10 games on my weakest matchup ZvP, I could only won 3-4 games. But after coaching I could really nail 8-9 games easily on a consistent and simple build order with scouting rotation that Revenant set up for me.
Jazbas is someone who needs no introduction - One of the absolute top Zergs in SEA who finished #2 in the SEA blizzcon qualifiers and then went on to represent us in Blizzcon, doing even better, taking a game off Sen and eliminating sixjaxMajor and making "small potatoes" SEA proud. He enjoyed giving his first coaching lesson recently and contacted me about coaching. He plans to do it on just a casual basic with the two loves of his life, music and starcraft 2 being his top priorities.
Server Access: SEA / NA Hourly fee: $30 Package fee: $60/3hours Contact: jazbas1
Like fellow TGM subscriber turned coach YaMaMa, Eldrid started off more than 6 months ago as a TGM subscriber coached by the legendary mOOnGLaDe. Eldrid began to get get very good at the game himself and in a short time managed to hit GM. To pickup some valuable coaching experience, he first offered anyone in the community his coaching for free, and received alot of positive feedback for his coaching. Eldrid continues to be very helpful in the forums and in the replay review threads and an active figure in the tournament scene and we hope to hear more from this up and coming player, who just took down iaguz in the City Hunter LAN 2-1 this morning!
Before any coaching lessons, I will ask for you to fill in a quick questionnaire (5-10min only) to give me an idea of what you are after from coaching, and to set your expectation of what you will be receiving. I can then create a tailored lesson for you (eg: Either in-depth, on one or two topics only per lesson, if you are planning on having regular coaching, or something more broad but with alot of points for you to practice on later by yourself if you want to get just a few coaching sessions but get alot of information).
After each lesson I will give you a clear conclusion and wrap up so you know exactly where you are at and what you need to be focusing on, and a quick word document (sent by email / skype) giving dot points on exactly what I have talked about during the lesson (there is alot to remember in a small space of time).
You will be able to ask me a few basic questions inbetween lessons via email/skype/ingame.
My point of difference from other coaches is that I have real-world experience working with people in explaining complex & hard to understand products (I sell health insurance in Australia) which transfers readily to explaining hard to understand and complex SC2 situations.
YoonYJ was originally a Starcraft 1 player who appeared out of nowhere to take the SEA Starcraft 2 ladder by storm. After getting Starcraft 2 relatively late, his presence was felt when he topped the top 200 ladder lists for literally 3 months, boasting a 75% win ratio. His success continued in season 2 where was was one of only 3 players on SEA who managed to hold a > 70% win ratio at the end of the season. His victories at various lans and online tournaments gained him further fame.
When he's not playing starcraft he enjoys playing competitive bball and has plans one day to open a business of his own.
Server Access: SEA / NA / KR
Hourly fee: $40
Package fee: $90 for 3 lessons
Contact: msg me on sc2sea with your contact details and we will speak through msn / skype
Will discuss with the student, find his weaknesses and mistakes, fix them. I will also help change the way a player thinks about the game to the level I see it.
HuT has been a part of the SC2SEA community from the very start. In fact, his member ID is 17, meaning he was the 17th person to register on this site!! In the early days he helped come up with our first ever weekly and match reviews. Back then he was also the first one to come up with the idea of having our own tees - I told him it was too early still. And look what happened a year later, he became our Mr. May Tee Shirt poster boy haha! He later moved into casting, and then streaming emerging steadily as a very strong player. His talent was soon recognized and he was picked up by the pro team T Sequential Gaming and later on by the social clan aLt. He most recently took mOOnGLaDe out in the SGL lan, being partly responsible for his elimination. When he is not spending time with his girlfriend, HuT enjoys streaming his games, attending community events like Barcrafts, helping members out in the replay review thread and in general being a nice and contributive member of our community!
Server Access: SEA / NA / KR Hourly fee: $20 Package fee: $70 / 4 hours / Skype: nicholas.hutton93
Before any coaching is taken place, I will ask for a set of replays and your general gameplan for each matchup. From here, we chat about what happened in your replay and show you why it was good / bad. From there we discuss problems you face in each matchup, and work out ways to solve them whether they be build, mechanic or decision making related. In the end, I wish to leave you with a solid understanding of each specific matchup and feeling confident in both your macromanagement and decision making.
I just wanted to write you and give you some feedback on my last session with Hut.
I think he's a very good coach who takes the time to thoroughly explain things and makes sure you understand them before moving on. He also helped me realize that there wasn't one big stumbling block holding me back, but rather a whole slew of little things.
As we watched the replays he'd pause and point out many different areas where I could improve and discussed not only what I should, but more importantly why.
I am eager to hop on ladder and start putting some of what he shared with me to the test.
From koketsue
Hey Nirvana just sending a feedback email on Huts Terran Coaching. He's a great coach i would recommend him to any level Terran, reason for me saying this is because of his understanding of the game and the race he plays, at the start of the coaching he asked to see replays of each match up, whilst doing this he discusses the data's you are free to start coaching and hes always happy to start right away.
The Lesson starts by him asking the over view of the 3 replays that you had sent and makes key points over all that him and your self will be working on over the time period after this brief discussion he asks whats the match up you have the most trouble with. Mine was ( TvP) so we opened the replay that was sent prier and ran through the things that was either good about my build or bad and what to expect from the protoss and how to prepare/ hold it. and explains to you his insight through out the game and what you could do to make the build better. But also if he believes your capable of doing completely different builds he will sagest a replay out of his personal pack and ask to watch it and if you like it he will explain step by step what to build what to look for when doing the build and go through the pros and con.
Over all hes a Perfect coach hes clear and easy to Understand and if you don't understand something he will go back to the point where you don't understand a transition and tell you in depth on his thinking and hes change to this by observing his opponent
Strafe has to be the closest person in the community to a real life Iron Man. He first found success in gaming at the top of the foreign scene in Starcraft 1 where he won the WCG Netherlands qualifiers twice - Home of Starcraft 1 legends LiquidNazgul & NTT and represented his country at the world finals. Like many high level RTS players, he gave playing poker as a living a shot and ended up making an obscene amount of money which led him to relocate to the "land of paradise" Bangkok where he has been living for the last 5 years. His success has basically giving him the financial freedom to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants all day, with a good chunk of that time being playing Starcraft 2. He enjoys MMA fighting as a hobby and he has had some good success in Starcraft 2, winning ESLs, beating Enderr and coming third at the ESTC Bangkok and making tgun rage! After giving friends a few lessons, Strafe has taken a strong liking to coaching and helping others and is keen to offer his coaching services to students.
Strafe played poker professionally for 7 years and has made over 60 educational videos on how to beat online poker during this time. He has also been a coach and hand evaluator during these years on where he helped thousands of players become better at the game. He will use this experience to help you spot the weakest links in your game and provide personal tailored advice on how to improve your actual game play. The coaching will help you learn how to learn rather than discuss actual strategies.
Roz has been an extremely consistent player, having held positions at the top spots in the ladder from the beginning till now. Also the clan leader of inFi, Roz is a dedicated team leader who has led his team to many victories, most recently the PSTL championship over nGen. The undisputed #1 player in Hong Kong, Roz probably also has the most experience with students, helping them level up (lol!) their accounts as well as coaching alot of them.
Aside from gaming, the american accented Hong Kong player is one of the nicest and chillest person you'll meet.
Server: SEA (also plays on KR and NA) Hourly fee: $30 / hour Package fee: $90 / 4 hours (can be used separately)
To begin I watch a replay of the student playing their best in a macro style to see where they are at in their development as a player. I then go through the various stages of the game really quick to see any misconceptions or troubles the student has. This followed by in-game coaching to correct mindset and form good habits leads to quick progression in skill by the student.
I know that there is a section for coaching testimonies but I feel Yang definitely deserves more attention on his coaching ability so I decided to start a thread on spreading the for Coach Yang
Going into my first ever sc2 coaching lesson with Mark aka Yang, I didn’t really know what to expect but I definitely came out of it feeling confident that I have a better understanding on my weak match ups( PvZ and PvP). Mark is such an easy going guy with tremendous patience; I think I asked over few hundred questions over our 2 hour session on PvZ and PvP. He was able to answer all my questions with ease; honestly to those that are thinking of taking up coaching lessons from Mark which I recommend, he is like an open book of toss secrets and strategies, so ask away and all secrets shall be revealed.
The lessons covered a lot of replay analysis of my losses and making sure that I understood the reasons that I lost and how I can do better to avoid them and practice matches as well. He helped lay the foundation of knowledge for those match ups so I can utilize that knowledge to better my decision making skills during the match ( ie – what to do if a Zerg does a fast 3 hatch, when to cannon up for a roach ling all in, the signs of a 4 gate or when to expand in PvP). I definitely feel that even though the lessons were filled with tons of new information, it was explained in such a way that it was very easy to understand and to be utilized later when laddering. This is evident in such that when I went to Mark I was only playing at a high level but now I am a Rank 1 Protoss playing against high diamonds and awaiting my promotion to in probably a week or so.
The last thing I like to mention is how lenient he is with the lesson timings, even when the lesson has gone way past the hour mark, he still counts it as a single hour lesson which surprised me. I have huge respects for Mark for being such an awesome teacher and person. He also provides a lot of help outside of the lesson by being online to chat with regarding a recent loss or queries on mechanics or even just a random chat. I look forward in scheduling more lessons with Mark in the future to achieve my goal of getting and to support Mark in his goal being the boss toss of SEA and hopefully be able to see him in international competitions!
Like to say a big thanks Yang for taking the time to help! Really appreciate it!
Anyone else who has had lessons with Yang and want to say something, please don't be shy to pile on in this thread!
Typrix: I thought the instruction and feedback were pretty clear and useful, the practice games were very useful since you brought me through the decision making processes and i learned quite a bit from them. all in all, the coaching did help me in my games as i am able to identify moments where what you taught came into play when i'm laddering on my own
depylon: The lesson actually helped me a LOT, my pvp is one of my stronger MU's now. I feel like the lesson could've been a bit more structured but it drastically improved my pvp so i would definately like another lesson.
Another also known as Jamie has played protoss since the beginning of beta, consistently placing at the top of Masters on NA, and Grand Masters on SEA. He recently won the NZ Cup #2 and Auckland eSports NZ Lan. He was one of the founders of Team Iris, and is regarded as one of the best New Zealand players. Outside of gaming, he is quite the sports enthusiast - he used to play Canole Polo and represented his region, winning 3 gold medals at national age group Canoe Polo competitions. He also loves watching American football and going cycling.
Another is a strong macro player and can help you defend all in's, and get ahead in the mid game to have an advantage in the late game. This relies on a few key aspects that he can help you with. Scouting and reading what your opponent is doing, and reacting accurately. You build order - In order to defend various all ins, you need a solid build order that can also take you into the late game. Another will also teach you to analyze your own games so you can improve on your own too.
Got Zerg coaching with PiG today. Considering paying him to tell me bedtime stories every night, his voice is so soothing. But more seriously, I've had coaching from European GM Decemver before, and he just wanted to teach me all the little nuances, tell me 1000 pieces of information and I just had no hope of ever soaking anything in.
PiG gave me bite-sized pieces of information, plus easy to understand notes in a word document for later. Things like "if you see gas first T, skip 1 queen to instantly make a roach warren to block incoming reactor hellions" That's a piece of advice that will stick in my head and pop up when I see gas first. Everything is really well thought out to help the average gamer, and not flood him with a bunch of information he can never hope to understand until he makes it to grandmasters! (not to say PiG can't help you there either though)
Not to mention I'd have paid $15 just to have him explain to me what the zerg 'macro cycle' is, walk me through it and help me make a more efficient hotkey setup.
wow $30 an hour for someone to tell you to make probes and spend ur money LOL
i doubt anyone in bronze league would hire a coach, mostly high plat, diamond, or average master would pay for this kind of service if they are serious about sc2
wow $30 an hour for someone to tell you to make probes and spend ur money LOL
I'm currently ranked between 30 and 40 on SEA's GM and PiG still has a huge amount of knowledge of the game in comparison to me. Coaching can help at alot more levels of play than you think
OxygeN - Singapore mandatory Army Service.
Azz - sick new job no more time.
iaguz - Taking a break from coaching.
GLaDe - Taking a break from coaching.
GLaDe as he is commonly called is easily the most accomplished player on SEA starring in two GSLs. Having come from an extremely successful Warcraft 3 background, he made the transition into sc2 and was soon widely regarded as the absolute best player on SEA and the pride of Australia.
He is also known for his friendliness, good manner, sexy hair and for being the Prince of Persia.
A terran mastermind, OxygeN surprised many when he first came out of nowhere to defeat mOOnGLaDe and take #3 in Blizzard's SEA Invitational. His unorthodox play which involved around extremely well thought out build orders and precisely calculated timing attacks gained him alot of infamy but at the same time alot of respect and fans for this then new exciting player.
Apart from gaming, OxygeN loves cooking and is currently waiting to enlist in Singapore's mandatory national service, with big plans to own a restaurant sometime in the future.
Gimli as he is affectionately called, is a bearded-dwarf character from LOTR who wields a fearsome axe. Not but seriously, iaguz is world famous name, with a very fearsome beard, and his legend was created in the games COH and Red Alert. And by world famous i mean TLO famous, he was getting interviewed by the biggest sites and winning all sorts of tournaments. His RTS skills soon shined in Starcraft as well, posting some great results, most recently taking down Korean progamer iKorea ST_Ace and finishing #3 in the $8,000 NRG tournament in Sydney.
Apart from gaming iaguz is known for being well spoken, his witty humor, and looking like any movie character with a beard. A guy never afraid to speak his opinion so you can be sure what he says is 100% from the heart!
Server Access: SEA/NA
Hourly fee: 25 / Hour
Package fee: 80 / 4 hours
Contact: is the email address. iaguz.guzson on Skype
Azz first rose to prominence in the Beta, with some notable results in Australian tournaments and KOTHs. He soon migrated to NA and spent most of his time playing there, even joining the well established American clan vT. Considered by many to be a strong macro orientated player, Azz is undoubtedly one of the best players in Australia.
Apart from gaming, azz is busy looking like a boss, as you can see in his picture.
Server Access: SEA/NA
Hourly fee: $30
Package fee: $25 p/h when booking 5 or more lessons in advance.
Accomplishments: Achieved Rank 1 SEA/NA made over $1000 cash from tournament placings, over $1000 worth of hardware and more.
I teach from the player's live view in-game in arranged matches.
This helps players learn and experience how a professional thinks and plays as opposed to the average player.
In the last 5 or so minutes, we go over the areas of improvement and suggest some replays or vods which suit the player.
Sorry MCKL, i have been constantly reminding yoon about it and he always says tomorrow he will get in touch with you. I will have a chat with him again
Rest assured, you will 100% get your 1 hour of free coaching, and I would do it myself if he still can't make it lol.
Hi i am a terran bronzie looking for a coach. I put in about 2-4 hours daily. CptBunny 470. I am 22 years old and still studying. My goals are to handle situations better. Proxy pylons, rushes, how to scout a build, how to deal with sieged terrans..... im pretty good with splitting my rines..... i scv all the time....Please point me in the right direction thank you
I have considered it but I just don't have the time for it thats why i dont do it!
Nerpster honestly don't waste your money on coaching because if you're bronze its not gonna help much as at that level its alot of basic mechanics which will come with practise. You should only ever get coaching once you're high diamond and above and i'll suggest spending your money on getting a TGM coach package, basically that plan was made for people like you who could first learn the mechanics / basics on their own and then get the free hour of coaching when they hit diamond/masters !
i doubt anyone in bronze league would hire a coach, mostly high plat, diamond, or average master would pay for this kind of service if they are serious about sc2
i would use a coach, i was getting coaching from Jedi Gamer, he charges $20 ph and from one hours coaching he gave me a few good pointers and i went from low bronze to high silver.
im hoping to find a good new coach here for zerg if one has an eu acc
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