Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. Today is a good day, for VB_bayak has decided to post with a update from all of us here at Clan VB !!! (talking about myself in the 3rd person LOL)
Apart from having terrible English and non-existent grammar, I do try and keep you all happy :P
Clan Wars
VB's most recent clan-war saw us face off against the GPD might of mGG. The opening match, Slayer vs Coffeejoe, saw Slayer pull ahead with superior macro strength, hitting a strong 3 base timing that couldn't be held.
Slayer then came up against VBs newest Zerg, eGoh. eGoh read Slayers greedy opening, opting for a 10pool baneling all-in. Unfortunately, a slightly premature baneling detonation spelled the end for eGoh, who wasn't able to catch up economically before Slayers strong 2-base push.
Seeing that Slayer was on a run, "All-kill Inter" decided to step up to the plate. In a very uncharacteristic fashion, Inter decided to play a 4-gate, which Slayer was sadly unprepared for, giving VB it's first win for the night.
This prompted mGG glorious leader, the feared Nemisis, to enter the fray. Going for one of her signature DT builds, she was unfortunately caught out by Inter's early robo tech, forcing her into a zealot/archon/void-ray all-in that Inter was able to push back with his collosus/immortal/gateway army.
With the scores tied, mGG decided to apply some "Pressure". Pressure went for 2-base roach-ling aggression against Inter's gateway first opening, with Inter barely holding the push. Both players transitioned to a more macro oriented game, with Inter's gateway army facing up against Pressures roach-hydra force. While blows were traded evenly between the two, the appearance of Pressure's vipers turned the tide, giving him the edge on a 30min ZvP.
For our final player, VB decided to bring out the big guns. Enak, known for strong PvZ play, opened up with a forge fast, with a quick zealot pressure on Pressure's third. While Pressure took no damage from the zealot run-by, he was caught off guard by Enak's 3-base phoenix/collosus/gateway composition, and with only a small roach-hydra force, gg'd.
This brings the clan-war to it's ace match. mGG had something special lined up, with the diamond terran Yuu. Yuu opted for a quick 3cc build, while Enak decided to all-in with an immortal bust. With Yuu's bunkers finishing in the nick of time, Enak was unable to push into Yuu's natural. While Enak tried to transition into a macro game, he was unable to withstand the superior marine/marauder production of Yuu.
Congratulation on mGG for a well-played set of matches. Looking forward to our next clan war!
CoffeeJoe <
eGoh <
> Slayer
> Nemesis
Inter <
Enak <
VB vs MTi
Firstly a big shout out to Mr Lando here as he has to be one of the best fellas out there, bar the small problem of him playing Terran, but we can look past this for the time being.
Mr Lando was kind enough to organise a single elimination tournament which consisted of 4 players from either clan randomly pitted against each other for a fight to the finish.
Cutting to the chase (LOL chasuuuuu), the tournament began and we all had a blast. Matches got played and the finalist were VB_Randomness and MTi_Wotb. However, a small problem occurred, Randomness had to go have dinner and Wotb seemed to have disappeared. So at the moment, we neither have a winner or loser.
GG MTi, we look forward to many more unfinished clan wars haha.
In all seriousness though, anyone who wants a clan war or just wants to make more friends, everyone at MTi are overly nice and we look forward to becoming best of friends but worst of enemies with everyone at Mti.
Lastly I wish to put it out there that VB are looking for clan members of all leagues. At heart, we are casual, but playing SC2, you cannot help but naturally feel that urge to improve. Anyone is welcome to come apply at VB. For more information, please see the recruitment tab of our clan page here or come visit us at and do your thing.
And on this note I will bring this update to an end. We here at VB wish you all to be safe and enjoy SC2 for many years to come. For clan wars or if you just want to say hi, please feel free to visit us at or add me on skype at
Also in case anyone was wondering how I could write such good English for the Clan Wars section, I can't LOL. That was written by VB's resident Chemist, CoffeeJoe (a big thank you to him and his amazing work for VB).
VB now has a house clan page! Welcome to everyone reading, whether new or old to VB. If you are looking to join please read the recruitment tab and follow the steps. If you are just browsing our page cos you're nosey... well.. sup?
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