Credit to deL for making the banner ages ago! Keeping it for old time's sake.
On behalf of the guys over at AxiS Outsourced, I'm pleased to announce that we're reforming into what you could almost call sR 2.0!
First thing's first, I have to address a few things;
I, SouL, am not those individuals who lit the flame that burned the sR ship down.
Many of you know me very well, and it is with great confidence that I am taking this venture into the unknown and I sincerely hope that many of you reading this in disbelief have as much faith in me as I have in you.
I have led AxS for two years. Through thick and thin I've persevered to get that glorious clan to where it is today... But it's always bothered me that sR was left for dead after initially having so much promise.
You could guess by now that this is somewhat a "passion project" of mine, and has been for roughly those two years. The time is right, right now.
I've consulted with both new and old members of the community, members of sR's original group and with many who were opposed to sR in the old days, the response I got was heart warming and filled me with enough courage to do this.
New year, fresh slate and countless challenges await.
Now, personal stuff aside, lets get on with the other things~~
What's happening to AxS? Do all those guys agree with this?
I mentioned before that I spoke with "some" people. I also spoke with the people who were online in the AxS Skype chat tonight and the general response was green light to go.
I know from plenty of experience that the people who weren't around when we were discussing this (e.g. the people who don't use Skype or just weren't around) are loyal to the group, and no matter what name we go by - they'll stay with the family.
As for AxS as a clan... well, there's not much to tell. We're still technically AxS just using the sR name!
What our goals are in the new year. With the new name and tag.
It's our #1 priority as a clan to show not only a greater level of professionalism, but to display what sR "could have been" by actually being it! Dominating clan wars, top results in tournaments and way more active with the community... We won't let the older sR guys down!
I encourage any and all clan leaders to actively seek me out for clan wars and whatnot, for I'll have a bit of help this year from a few better known members in sorting events out and making sure things are run very smoothly.
Actually.. speaking of people helping me out..
Management personel and plans put forward for this year to make our goals achievable!
Skype details included if communication with any of these people is needed.
BoardingPear - Writer! News updates now come from this man. : mitchell.wright38
Midnight - Event Manager. Any clan wars or in-house events needing to be run without me around, this is the guy to make sure there is a 0% chance of issues arising. : jarrodmichael1
Osiris - Event Manager. Basically the same as Midnight. He's also a real life friend of mine, and knows the ropes, anything goes wrong and he'll be able to contact me quickly. Not that anything will go wrong. : karleb97
SouL - Almighty leader and head manager of literally everything that happens in the clan. : jessie6726
And that's about it! This is a brand new start for quite a few people, and will be hard to get used to. But with the help of you the community, we can do this!
If anyone has anything to say, or any concerns/issues to raise that might derail this thread please don't hesitate to contact me on Skype! I will listen to anything and everything you guys have to say.
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