The plan for XGTL was for the 8 original teams to begin with (schedules were made already), at that time Nv and cR, and other new "teams" were not announced yet. Some will point to the skill differential between the newer formed teams and original invited teams and complain of a discrepancy there. But do understand that it is highly unprofessional to un-invite team.
To accommodate for the newer formed teams, Benji created another team slot that can be obtained through the Open bracket, as to give the newer formed a chance at a spot, and to not create drama if he just automatically invited a team. This brings the league up to 9 teams, with 1 team getting a bye each week. It is highly unfeasible to go up to 10 teams in the scheduling system - which I am not too familiar with but I'm sure someone more informed could enlighten us on this one.
It is unfortunate that there are so many strong teams out there without a spot and there is only one spot left. We sympathized with this and thus the creation of an open spot despite scheduling issues. Please lay off Benji as he has only tried to help.
The issue with inviting teams/clans is something that Benji has an obvious preference over since like the beginning of time. Just looking at the SEA weeklies you will notice Benji always promoting teams with sponsors in general. Whether you agree with this is up for discussion, but do understand that promoting sponsors does nothing but push forward E-Sports in SEA.
Lay off Benji, practice hard for the league, myself, Tim and beard will see you in combat.
How am I criticising benji? I’m just wondering why Nv couldn’t have been given an invite and then 1 slot becomes available to open bracket qualifiers. Five games per week would be better than 4 games with a bye?
How am I criticising benji? I’m just wondering why Nv couldn’t have been given an invite and then 1 slot becomes available to open bracket qualifiers. Five games per week would be better than 4 games with a bye?
because then people question why Nv was chosen and not Carnage, or SPR.PG, or another team
(5 games would be sweet though, 2 open slots? Might be a time issue though, benji only has so much time in a day, and he has to have some time for himself...)
How am I criticising benji? I’m just wondering why Nv couldn’t have been given an invite and then 1 slot becomes available to open bracket qualifiers. Five games per week would be better than 4 games with a bye?
Bash hit the nail on the head. I can vouch for benji in that I know he had planned out the event and the invites before these teams were around. You can't invite EVERYONE. If he invites Invidia he has to invite Carnage and SPR.PG or that's unfair. You're also speaking as if Invidia deserves the invite more than the other teams. There's an open bracket for a reason.
Please also read the FAQs. He explains this. And he also mentions that the teams that didn't get invited this time could be invited in future seasons. I feel like the only reason people are posting narky questions like this is because their looking for a reason to bring out the pitch forks.
I love that Gamma Bears is one of the invited teams! StorM and Spider are so scary too, excellent TW invites, considering TW teams get thousands of viewers on their streams indepedant of TL this is gonna give our SEA scene so much exposure. Props to Benji for coming up with this cross-region league, finding the sponsors and making this league happen.
Sorry my post was trying to explain something to you, although it wasn't really directed at you when I was talking abt criticism towards Benji. I know some people are thinking Benji has other motives/biasness, just clearing the air up here.
There is some major issues of having a 5 games a week scheduling wise, I'm not too familiar with this, but I know it would create alot of problems.
Every single game in this league is being casted too, btw. Currently this means Benji will be casting a match 4 nights a week. Going to 10 teams means that he would be casting this event 5 nights a week. Even benji deserves one night off a week guys.
Sorry my post was trying to explain something to you, although it wasn't really directed at you when I was talking abt criticism towards Benji. I know some people are thinking Benji has other motives/biasness, just clearing the air up here.
There is some major issues of having a 5 games a week scheduling wise, I'm not too familiar with this, but I know it would create alot of problems.
Jaz: Sorry buddy!
Just going to touch on the adding teams bit and why adding a 10th team makes it a bit harder.
first off every new team is another week. people have plans there could be teams with plans that we don't know about. 8 teams is 8 weeks and playing constantly week in week out which the higher end of players who probably will for there teams gets tiring as the level of play should be insanely high. 10 weeks with no breaks of constantly preparing as opposed to 9 weeks with a break is huge. also casters 4 games to 5 each night is pretty big too but idk how thats working
I know people are disappointed with there team missing out etc but as stated above by people like light and zepph. At the time of planning some teams weren't around and such. It is very unprofessional to uninvite teams look at what happen to I think infi with being un-invited to some tournament I can't remember right know and how disappointed they were. Benji can't simply univite say 4 teams because of these new teams that came out after the planning had gone into it.
Also forgetting Jaz after winning his only(i think) cityhunter comon nz hwaiting :P gogo Jaz
Yep - I think leave it.. stop derailing the thread.
we all know why the teams were not invited - and those teams will try to do their best in the qualifier.
Look at the positives... look at the amount of teams that have just poped up and are coming soon (iM, x5, Mind Freak, etc..) think how legit and tough the competition will be in xGTL #2?..
Sorry my post was trying to explain something to you, although it wasn't really directed at you when I was talking abt criticism towards Benji. I know some people are thinking Benji has other motives/biasness, just clearing the air up here.
There is some major issues of having a 5 games a week scheduling wise, I'm not too familiar with this, but I know it would create alot of problems.
Jaz: Sorry buddy!
No problem, I'm just a bit sad that so many good teams are going to miss out because there is only one open bracket spot but such is life
what happens if throughout the season a team becomes ineligible to play, or are inconsistent in attending schedules?
Teams that miss sets and is inconsistant will face significant deduction of league points, as well as not being welcome back in future seasons. Managers know the details of this.
As per StorM, they are sponsored by MSI, Kingston, Razer and MSRock as well as some other minor companies, you can see the logos on their uniform in the following picture from their facebook (
Teams that miss sets and is inconsistant will face significant deduction of league points, as well as not being welcome back in future seasons. Managers know the details of this.
As per StorM, they are sponsored by MSI, Kingston, Razer and MSRock as well as some other minor companies, you can see the logos on their uniform in the following picture from their facebook (
I think StorM is something like eve, started as a clan and now getting sponsors. GL everyone in the league.
Will every single game be streamed? Is there a chinese cast?(I tend to like chinese cast alittle more nowadays)
I think StorM is something like eve, started as a clan and now getting sponsors. GL everyone in the league.
Will every single game be streamed? Is there a chinese cast?(I tend to like chinese cast alittle more nowadays)
Yes, every game will be streamed. I haven't sorted out the details for a Chinese cast, I imagine it would only be for games with Taiwan teams in them however
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