Challenge Matches are a new way to earn OSC Points, settle rivalries, get revenge on the guy who knocked you out of a recent tourney, is bm on ladder/forums, etc. It also presents a new way to leapfrog someone up the ranks, earn yourself more points by taking away an opponents, scoring those vital points which count towards the current seasons rankings, and the $5000+ finals series. You pick the reason to call a challenge, if you need one, regardless, the goal is to take his/her points! So send out a challenge!
We've seen many showmatches over the years. Everyone has players they consider a rival/peers; great example is the real Pet vs fake Pet saga between Petraeus + Petrify. Really added to the excitement of ACL Melb, and recent tournaments. All in good fun.
These type of matches are always entertaining! However not everyone wants to/can put up $'s to make it appealing to the other player, and can be an easy reason to decline. Since OSC points basically represent how much $/tournament points you've earned/are worth in each OSC season, we thought, why not give players a chance to do something extra with them!
If you're interested in participating in a OSC challenge, you may select any player from the current OSC rankings with 15+ points. However, please note, the challenges must be somewhat balanced, eg a GPD player shouldn't be able to challenge a top GM without exceptional reasons, and would require an admins approval to go ahead. The idea is to verse a rival, so that person should be somewhat close in skill/league proximity to yourself. This also acts to prevent any OSC point 'donations'/giving points away cheaply.
To setup a challenge, contact your rival, arrange a bet total, eg 20 points each, and arrange a showmatch! Contact Eddie or one of the other OSC admins to confirm once all is sorted.
Minimum points a challenge must start at is 15 each, Max 100*. Winner takes all!
*Max can be extended towards the end of the season (150)
If both players agree they may then face off in a best of 5 or 7 series for the OSC points
Games must be set at a time that works for both, and doesn't conflict with any OSC tournaments.
Ideally the series should be streamed, however if can't be arranged, replays must either be uploaded to sc2sea or emailed to Eddie.
Challenges can be announced publicly or done privately.
You can turn down any challenge with no repercussion/change to your season points. However no guts, no glory!
We will donate bonus 15 points to winner of any best of 5 streamed match, and 25 points towards any best of 7 streamed match.
*Players are allowed 2 vetos each in a standard bo5, 1 each bo7.
*Player who accepted the challenge selects first map
*Loser then selects following map
*Maps cannot be repeated twice in a series.
Any questions please ask.
Wow! Super cool idea! Absolutely love it, should ensure that there's a bit of shuffling about as people are trying to get into the top 32, and top 8 of SPR points. Really cool stuff!
Map pool added, how to veto, who selects first map, etc.
Originally Posted by MightyKiwi
So the Question is raised, wagering more points than one player has? and what about players with less that 15 points?
If you only have enough for 1 challenge, you can only lock in the one challenge.
You can only bet how many points you actually have >15. No loans!
Don't book in multiple challenges in advance if you don't have the points in the bank!
So once you have confirmed your opponent, let me know and inform others/update post/players you've been talking with. First in best dressed i guess. Accept quickly if you think you take take points off someone with only a few points.
10 points is too low. Need to participate/place in more SCS tournaments to get some SPR points!
So... umm... gimme SPR for beating petraeus then. I think i'm on 5. Should've played in more online tournaments :/
Sick idea!
You don't get SPR points for being a retard who takes one series off a player and then doesn't make it out of groups. And getting points isn't just about playing in online tournaments, you also have to be good to do well in them.
Possibly a dumb question, but what are the opportunities to gain an initial amount of SPR? Just Master's Cup and other SC2SEA tourneys?
Most online tournaments are inlcuded in SCS for points. How much depends upon prizepool, format, etc. Points are then given out to players for how high they place.
Examples of SCS partnered tournaments:
SEA Masters Cup
wT Weekly
pX Weekly
Masters of Koreign
Silicon Sports Cup
Gamevolution eSports League
SEANA Trials
AxiS Outsourced Open
You don't get SPR points for being a retard who takes one series off a player and then doesn't make it out of groups. And getting points isn't just about playing in online tournaments, you also have to be good to do well in them.
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